Tuesday 26 November 2019


That's right, I have to admit that HonorBuddy was a damn good bot, but all of their other bots were crap and Bossland provided sketchy and sleazy service for all their other bots. Blizzard did the same thing with World of Warcraft recently, and some bot developers figured out a way to work around it with WoW. So, in my opinion, the only stable, dependable, and worthwhile bot that Bossland ever had was Honorbuddy, and it has been sued all to hell by Blizzard. It is a lot less expensive than DemonBuddy, and it will get your character onto the D3 leaderboard if that's what you want. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. I'll pop in here every so often and update that running time for you and share any info I'm allowed to. demonbuddy bot

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If I plant you in the ground, will you grow taller? Don't fool yourself mate.

demonbuddy bot

Demonbuddy sucked when I tried it. Last time I played was roughly 2 years ago. Get your trial key Live community: My review of Demonbuddy.

Another bot dies to Diablo's most recent patch.

History will tell the tales of bots that fought against the system, whether the bots win or lose, time will decide! BUT, the support is non existent. It seems that all of them are broken permanently. Basically, you are paying for what it says on the frontpage of db and the current product itself.

Too bad, but in my opinion, some of the mods working for bossland thoroughly deserved to get their butts kicked by someone, and it might as well be Blizzard. I used it on 5 different accounts multiboxing for at least 6 years and never had a single account get banned. People should fall under a grandfather policy.

Is this still going on these days? The following is a cut and paste from the Demonbuddy forum. Was going to say Bossland supoprt told me it's definitely not dead. Welcome the oblivion of ignorance, for to have knowledge Thread Tools Show Printable Version. With absolutely no logic. Many of us are currently running beta right now.

demonbuddy bot

Paladin By johnson in forum World of Warcraft Guides. I hope that's the case and DB crawls up out of the grave.

Did Demonbuddy and other bots die? - Diablo III Message Board for PC - GameFAQs

Some of the rudest comments I have ever seen were written by some of their forum moderators. If you report a bug, it can take weeks to fix. Don't trust DemonBuddy or anything else where you have to deal with Bossland customer support.

The time now is It does everything it says it does on that page. I used GW2Minion but never sold anything because I don't need the money bo.

Results 1 to 15 of The data does not stay in the same place, so it is very difficult to create a bot that will first discover the newest location of the data as it periodically changes, and then manipulate the data to run a bot.

Don't buy bott bot if you 1.

bt Don't have an account? ROFL Nevalistis says the devs are "looking into" some nerfs Barbs are the future! Do not, my friends, become addicted to smooth jams! Then when you complain the support sucks, you get banned for 1 week at the forums.

I'm not one of those people but I still understand.

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