Thursday 5 December 2019


These features require version 19 or higher of the Build Tools. Fixed several small issues for the build file. See speed improvements up to five times faster than using a physical device. Features overview Release notes. Updated the default proguard. android sdk tools revision 21.0.0

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Miscellaneous revisiion changes to support Android 3. Lint rules which previously performed pattern based searches in the application code such as the unused resource check have been rewritten to use the more accurate Java-style parse trees.

android sdk tools revision 21.0.0

Android x86 system images are not available for all API levels. Lint Added over 25 new lint rules for resources, locale settings, layout files, incorrect use of SparseArray and PowerManager.

SDK Build Tools Release Notes

Added simulated vertical swipes for scrolling through vertical menus with a mouse wheel. Issue Improved support for path names with spaces in the Windows command-line tools.

Updated build tools to allow use of RenderScript on older versions of Android using androld features in the Support Library. Tools will delete the file.

SDK Build Tools release notes | Android Developers

SDK Tools, Revision After installing SDK Tools r6, we. You can check the BuildConfig. Improved emulators so that they launch with a skin that is dynamically generated and reflects the actual hardware configured in the AVD Manager. Known issues with emulator performance: Added support for Android Wear. Fixed emulator crash on Linux due to improper webcam detection Issue First check this link to find out what revision number you need.

Issue Fixed handling of custom namespace attributes. This means that you should add the new location to your PATH and modify any custom build scripts to reference the new location. Asked 4 years, 10 months ago.

android sdk tools revision 21.0.0

Fixes XML validation issue in on older Java versions. Compatibility with Java 9. If you are developing in Eclipse, ADT provides the equivalent library project support.

Android Developers Blog: Android SDK Tools, Revision 21

We will release an updated version of the tools with a fix for this issue as soon as possible. If this happens to your project, add the following setting to your project.

Updated reporting to include errors in library projects if the library project is in the list of projects to be checked. Lint Updated Lint to check Android application code. For new developers, one-click SDK download and new app templates help you get started more quickly.

When exporting a signed release build, the tools do not add the attribute. However, if the key requires a different password, you are now prompted to enter the key password from the command line.

Build Tools, Revision Added support for WebP image decoding. Emulator Added support for hardware accelerated graphics rendering. Developers revisiin longer need to add the android: Split the ProGuard configuration file has been in half, with project specific flags kept in project and the generic Android flags distributed and updated with the tools themselves.

Can I find it anywhere? When run against your layout files, the tool analyzes their hierarchies and notifies you of inefficiencies and other potential issues.

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