Friday 6 December 2019


Full source code and cable construction information is provided. If you don't restart it or quit the program it will record laps even after turning off the calculator. Changes the error messages to Spanish. Plus a System RPL program to build a table of translations for characters I'm going to do as you say step by step and post if I get stuck. winhp para 50g

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Includes commands to collate a list of sublists, count objects in a list, remove duplicates from a list, distribute list items into sublists, replace repeated elements with a single instance, replace list elements with a substitute object as indicated, roll the list, subdivide a list into sublists, create a list of integers, shuffle the contents of a list, and much more.

A small but comfortable and easy to use clock adjustment and calibration tool for the HP 49 clock.

Horn and Gerald Hillier. Additionally, the temperature of the HP 49G, and therefore the usage of the calculator, influences the clock speed. Stack to PICT 1. This program is a contribution to the on-line help files that already exist.

Hidden Function Pack 1. Two fonts designed for high readability, one styled for Europeans and one styled for Americans. Create backups of your favorite variables with one keypress and save them compressed in port 2 or an SD card.

HP 49/50 Utilities

Put an object on 50h stack, and this program provides a list of all variables in the current directory that contain that object. This is readily done with SetFP in a dialog screen shown in the screen-shot. User RPL program which allows one to switch key assignments and still have the new assignments work in edit mode.

I saw lot of requests in the newsgroup concerning such a function. Although it is fast, LZD provides very good compression ratio, especially on small and complex objects e. Size 8 manuscript font. Can be used to "pass" keys to another program. I really wonder why people keep writing so many of these You can toggle the builtin fonts, recall the current font, etc.

Also high-level Play-Bach in Jazz style is welcome: Contains several fonts for your HP I find it much easier to use my text editor and simply type in any translation sequences, but I realize that preferences do vary. A choose box for fast switching various user keymaps versions of the hidden UserKeys listone for physics, etc. Complete synthesized version of Paranoid by Black Sabbath.

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The astronomical routines include calculation of times of sunrise, transit and einhp, moon phases, and seasons. Yet another password-protection program. Using an ordinary text editor means that you have to learn some translation sequences for non-ASCII character, but I expect that the ones that you frequently use will be easy to remember. Requires Usinagaz for Internet connectivity. Back Manage is a tiny library written in fast System RPL and assembly which completely manages backups on port 2.

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Makes it easy to assign keys in the user keyboard. Calendario Com Feriados Portugueses 1. By Jorge Cevallos M.

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List browser similar to the one by James Donnelly, but faster, shorter, and uses less memory. Includes a second routine that is a bit bigger but handles some einhp cases.

Clearly, you can always temporarily modify your current font in the builin Character browser. Tool that configures all your settings to match one user's favorite settings, and also can show you free memory.

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